Monday, July 21, 2008

Drink more Water to stay Healthy

If we observe a fact, we will be able to know the value of water. We know that there is two third of water and one third of land on the globe. Similarly, our body consists of two third of water. The rest is matter. So, intake of more water is useful but not harmful to the man. Depending on the weather roughly two liters of water is spent from our body everyday. The water content in vegetables and the water that we take while taking food will be more than two liters. But you may ask why should we take more water. You may also ask that whenever there is necessity body demands water, then, why should we take water when there is no demand from the body.

What water does in the body?

Man needs food for survival. But to satisfy taste buds man runs after food of various tastes. If it is just for survival we need not crave for taste. When we take spicy and tasty food, we consume more water. Is the body demanding this water or our inclination towards taste is demanding water? It means we are taking water even when there is no necessity. With this, the stomach expands. Such food does not give strength to the body. When we go for tasty food, much waste material goes into the body. To purge out that waste material two liters of water is not sufficient. What does water do after entering the body? It attracts the waste material in the blood vessels and purges it out through urine.

When we take food for taste we have to take five liters of water to purge out waste material. But we are not taking that much of water. We do not like to drink more water though it is useful since it doesn't taste like sodas and our mind is not inclined towards it. Water, which gives us health and keeps us happy, is not drawing our attention it deserves. It is unfortunate.

No water while eating

We should not take water while eating food. This is a good habit. When food enters the stomach chemical fluids generate from the walls of the stomach that help digestion. If we take water along with food these fluids are diluted and the digestion power is reduced. Then the undigested food material, which is useful, is purged out along with the excreta. That is why human excreta are becoming food for some animals. Did you ever come across an animal eating the excreta of another animal? No. Why? Animals do not drink water while taking food. They drink water leisurely when the stomach is empty. What is this paradox? Man who has intellect does not know the principles of health, what even animals know. It is not that human being does not know it. He errs even after knowing. Because of his intelligence! Animals do not possess intelligence and they do not violate the laws of nature. Nature always protects the birds and animals.

After two hours of eating

There are some more aspects worth discussing. We add more oil, tamarind, chili, salt and various ingredients to give taste to our food. But they are not easily digestible. More water is needed to digest them. That is the reason why we take water while eating. As soon as the tasty food, which includes chili, salt, sour etc enters the mouth more saliva is produced and the food slips into the stomach without proper chewing. We have to chew food properly till it becomes liquid. If you take boiled vegetables saliva is not produced in the mouth. Then we do not have to take water. After one and a half or two hours of eating food, we have to take at least a liter of water. It helps digested food get assimilated into blood and push the waste material into intestines.

What causes sneeze, asthma, and allergies?

We suffer from sneezes, asthma, allergies and sinusitis during winter and rainy seasons. We try to satisfy ourselves blaming the weather for it. During winter and rainy seasons we consume less water. When we do not take required water histamine level in the body increases. With this we sneeze and suffer from allergies. Anti histamine medicines are used to control the illness. When we stop medicines, again sneezes and allergies come back.

Five liters of water a day

It is better to take at least five liters of water a day to avoid any illness. In a way every disease in the body has something to do with water. If we take less water blood pressure goes down and we feel weak. Our heartbeat also slows down. And you will find other ailments appearing in your body. Be certain that five liters of water a day insures your body from any disease.

Schedule for drinking water

We should also know how this water is to be taken and what is the appropriate time to take it. After rising from the bed one or one and a half liters of water is to be taken. The pressure of water in intestines makes clearing your bowels easy. After another 45 minutes one more liter of water is to be taken. It is useful to take water on empty stomach. We wash our eyes, face and body with water and brush our teeth to clean the mouth. The two, three liters of water that is taken in the morning is very useful in purging out the waste material from intestines. We should never take water immediately after taking food. Half an hour early to food and after two hours of meal 1 liter of water should be taken. We should not think that since we have taken three liters of water in the morning and there is no necessity of water till evening. In between also we have to take water. In all five liters of water in a day is good for the body. Refrigerated water is never to be taken. With this, there will be swelling of tonsils. Those whose digestive system is abnormal it is better to take warm water.

Advantages from five liters of water

Let us analyze the advantages of drinking five liters a day:

  1. Free motion.
  2. Hypertension will decrease. Hypertension is the result of salt not being purged out from the body. If more water is taken, it absorbs salt and sends it out through urine.
  3. Chronic headaches will decrease.
  4. The density of blood will come down. The salt we take along with vegetables increases the density of blood. The water we take will reduce the density and blood flow to brain is smooth. With this headache will reduce.
  5. Pains and swellings in joints will diminish. If there is more salt in our body, there will be a swelling of face, feet and hands. With the water we take, salt will go out and these swellings are controlled.
  6. Drinking more water helps kidneys work efficiently. The stones formed in the kidneys will be purged out along with water.
  7. When you are down with fever, temperature can be controlled with consumption of more water. Animals suffering from fever never eat grass. Instead they drink water.
  8. Stomach pain, if any, disappears when waste material is purged out if we consume more water.
  9. Urine will be clear. We become prone to urine infections if we do not take more water. Then you will find urine yellowish. This is an indication for low level of water in the body.
  10. Water cleanses the liver. When we suffer from jaundice, it is advantageous to take more water.

Better than sodas

Intake of more water is advantageous but not harmful. You may think that sodas, butter milk, coconut water and fruit juices are better. No doubt all these liquids are good. On entering the tissues they give energy to the body. But Water helps further by purging out the waste material from the tissues.

Dry cloth absorbs water but not the wet cloth. Similarly, pure water absorbs the waste material but juices and other liquids cannot perform that job because they contain some salt that is not helpful in absorbing waste material. That is why we can say water cures all diseases.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Top Ten Turn Offs for employers on social networking websites

In the modern age of internet and social networking, the online tools are commonly used by the employees worldwide to assess the eligibility of the candidates. Most of the employees search the candidate name on the internet and some use the social networking websites such as Facebook for this purpose.

According to a survey by Online Recruitment, this method is very useful for the Employers. Employers find nearly every important aspects of the candidate's eligibility by having a background search on the social networking sites. Employers look for evidence of job skills, career history, a range of interests, strong writing skills, as well as other qualities and characteristics such as a confident and friendly personality.

Following are some of the blunders that candidates make on the social networing sites that lead to their rejection without them knowing the actual reason.

1. References to drug abuse
2. Extremist / intolerant views, including racism, sexism
3. Criminal activity
4. Evidence of excessive alcohol consumption
5. Inappropriate pictures, including nudity
6. Foul language
7. Links to unsuitable websites
8. Lewd jokes
9. Silly email addresses
10. Membership of pointless / silly groups

Source: http://www.onrec.com/

Friday, June 6, 2008

Visit my Plurk.com page

Plurk.com is another social networking site with a format of a social journal where you can publish and share your thoughts with your friends.
Its really cool. Take a look at the link.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

14 Habits That Make You Fat

1. TV Watching

Prolonged TV watching is a strong predictor for obesity1. Recent research2 has proved that people who watch around two hours of TV per day are much more likely to be overweight than those who watched only half an hour per day. When you watch TV you are virtually motionless. Your heart rate, blood pressure and metabolic rate decline, resulting in burning 20 to 30 calories less per hour. Research by Harvard University4 has shown that there is a link between the amount children eat and the amount of television they watch.

2. Eating Too Fast

It is a habit of most people living in a fast paced society. Eating fast lets you eat too much before you are fully aware of it. It takes the brain about 15-20 minutes to start signaling feelings of fullness. Scientists suppose that fast eating is a risk factor for the metabolic syndrome3, a combination of the symptoms such as high blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol, and insulin resistance.

3. Task Snacking

Task snacking refers to eating while doing other activities. if you often eat meals or snacks while working by yourself in front of your computer, while driving, watching TV, or standing at the kitchen counter, shopping with a friend, or talking on the phone, it's likely that the "task snacking" eating style is increasing your odds of becoming overweight or obese.

4. Frequent Fast Food Consumption

One of the big reasons we’re seeing more obesity in our society these days is that we are too stressed and busy to make healthy dinners at home, often opting to get fast food at the nearest drive-thru instead. Fast foods compromise the quality of the diet by replacing more healthy foods. Fast foods are known for having high content of saturated and trans-fat, low content of fiber and massive portion sizes, which leads to obesity.

5. Eating To Manage Feelings

Emotional eating is the practice of consuming large quantities of food (usually "comfort" or junk foods) in response to feelings (such as depression, anxiety, or loneliness) instead of hunger.

Experts estimate that 75% of overeating is caused by emotions. How many times have you found yourself scouring the kitchen for a snack, or absently munching on junk food when you’re stressed, but not really hungry?

6. Too Busy To Exercise

With all the demands on your schedule, exercise may be one of the last things on your to-do list. If so, you’re not alone. Americans live a more sedentary lifestyle than we have in past generations, yet our minds seem to be racing from everything we have to do. Unfortunately, from sitting in traffic, clocking hours at our desks, and plopping in front of the TV in exhaustion at the end of the day, exercise often goes by the wayside.

7. Your Friends Can Make You Fat

If you're putting on weight, you might want to take a look at who you're hanging around with. A study7 published in the July 26, 2007 edition of the New England Journal of Medicine suggests that obesity may be "socially contagious." The study was conducted on more than 12,000 people over 32 years, and concluded that having an overweight friend, sibling or spouse increased one's risk of obesity by 37 to 57 percent.

8. Lack Of Sleep

Sleep deprivation can increase your risk of obesity by boosting ghrelin (an appetite stimulating hormone) and lowering leptin (an appetite suppressor). The study5 from the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom found that, compared to an eight hours of shut-eye, each one-hour decrease in sleep duration was linked to almost 3% more body fat.

9. Unaware Of Calories And Fat

Many people eat foods with no idea of the calorie or fat value. This leads to weight gain and unhealthy eating habits because you can easily consume twice the normal calories required to maintain your weight, let alone lose weight, if you don't know how many calories you are eating.

10. Credit Cards

Your plastic may be affecting more than just your credit score. Visa conducted a study of 100,000 fast-food restaurant transactions and found that people who pay for their food with a credit card spend 30% more than those who pay with cash. For the average woman, who visits a fast-food restaurant once a week, that adds an extra 17,160 calories, or 4.9 pounds, per year.

11. Missing Meals

Research shows that people who eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight, and that morning meals seem to help those who've lost weight keep it off. Denise Bruner, MD, obesity specialist and former president of the American Society of Bariatric Physicians, says that skipping meals of any kind results in a "tremendous bout of compensatory hunger."

12. Uncomfortable Clothing

Researchers from the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse6 found that casual and comfortable clothing workdays promote increased physical activity. Specifically, study participants took an average of 491 (or 8%) more steps on Jeans Day than on those days in which they wore normal business attire. It is also estimated that study participants burned an average of 25 additional calories on Jeans Day with the extra steps and miles walked. Wearing casual clothing every day for 50 weeks of work translates into burning an additional 125 calories per week and 6,250 calories per year.

13. Neglecting Scales

Recent study from the University of Minnesota found that dieters who weighed themselves daily lost about 12 pounds over two years, while those who never did shed only four pounds. Other research, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, concluded that those who have daily weigh-ins (along with face-to-face support) are 82% less likely to regain five pounds than a control group without weigh-ins or support.

14. Boredom

A survey by the Priory Group in the U.K. found that more people ate when bored than when stressed.

Sources & References

  • 1. Hu FB, Li TY, Colditz GA, Willett WC, Manson JE. Television watching and other sedentary behaviors in relation to risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus in women. JAMA. 2003 Apr 9;289(14):1785-91. PubMed
  • 2. Shanthy A Bowman. Television-Viewing Characteristics of Adults: Correlations to Eating Practices and Overweight and Health Status. Prev Chronic Dis. 2006 April; 3(2): A38. PubMed
  • 3. Kral JG, Buckley MC, Kissileff HR, Schaffner F. Metabolic correlates of eating behavior in severe obesity. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2001 Feb;25(2):258-64. PubMed
  • 4. Ads for Unhealthy Foods May Explain Link Between Television Viewing and Overweight in Children
  • 5. Rontoyanni VG, Baic S, Cooper AR. Association between nocturnal sleep duration, body fatness, and dietary intake in Greek women. Nutrition. 2007 Nov-Dec;23(11-12):773-7. Epub 2007 Sep 20. PubMed
  • 6. Casual And Comfortable Clothing Workdays Promote Increased Physical Activity American Council on Exercise
  • 7. Nicholas A. Christakis, James H. Fowler. The Spread of Obesity in a Large Social Network over 32 Years Volume 357:370-379 July 26, 2007 Number 4 NEJM

Friday, April 25, 2008


1. A bicycle can't stand alone; it is two tired.

2. A will is a dead giveaway.

3. Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.

4. A backward poet writes inverse.

5. In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.

6. A chicken crossing the road: poultry in motion.

7. If you don't pay your exorcist you can get repossessed.

8. With her marriage she got a new name and a dress.

9. Show me a piano falling down a mine shaft and I'll show you A-flat miner.

10. When a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds.

11. The guy who fell onto an upholstery machine was fully recovered.

12. A grenade fell onto a kitchen floor in France resulted in Linoleum Blownapart.

13. You are stuck with your debt if you can't budge it.

14. Local Area Network in Australia : The LAN down under.

15. He broke into song because he couldn't find the key.

16. A calendar's days are numbered.

17. A lot of money is tainted: 'Taint yours, and 'taint mine.

18. A boiled egg is hard to beat.

19. He had a photographic memory which was never developed.

20. A plateau is a high form of flattery.

21. The short fortuneteller who escaped from prison: a small medium at large.

22. Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end.

23. When you've seen one shopping center you've seen a mall.

24. If you jump off a Paris bridge, you are in Seine.

25. When she saw her first strands of gray hair, she thought she'd dye.

26. Bakers trade bread recipes on a knead to know basis.

27. Santa's helpers are subordinate clauses.

28. Acupuncture: a jab well done.

29. Marathon runners with bad shoes suffer the agony of de feet.

Source: http://www.bouldertherapist.com/html/humor/WordPlays/lexophiles.htm

Sunday, March 9, 2008

My Playlist

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Beautiful Places of Pakistan

Some of the photos of the beautiful places of Pakistan. Surely worth visiting places especially during the summer season.

read more | digg story

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Electrical and Computer Engineering related Books

Being a computer engineering myself, I always need to find some ebook online for one reason or another. Here I have assembled most of the links of the books I downloaded. Hopefully these will be helpful to many...

  1. The Electrical Engineering Handbook. Megaupload


  1. Adaptive Filtering Using Matlab. Megaupload
  2. Advanced FPGA Design. Megaupload
  3. Real Time Systems Development. Megaupload
  4. FPGA Implementation of Neural Networks. Megaupload
  5. Linear Phase FIR Filter Design. Megaupload
  6. Fourier Analysis on Finite Groups with Applications in Signal Processing and System Design. Megaupload
  7. Signals and Systems, Shaum Series. Megaupload
  8. Introduction to DSP and Filter Design. Megaupload
  9. DSP Applications using ADSP 2100. Megaupload
  10. DSP Applications using ADSP 2100, Vol-1. Megaupload
  11. Real Time Digital Signal Processing. Megaupload
  12. Fundamentals of Embedded Software. Megaupload
  13. USB Mass Storage: Designing, Programming Devices and Embedded Hosts. Megaupload


  1. Embedded Control System Using Matlab. Megaupload

  1. Fundamentals of Computer Vision, Shah. Megaupload
  2. Image Processing Fundamentals, 3rd Edition. Megaupload
  3. Digital Image Processing, PRAT. Megaupload
  4. Computer Vision and Applications. Megaupload
  5. Digital Image Processing, 2E, Gonzalez, Woods. Megaupload



  1. Kalman Filtering and Neural Networks. Megaupload
  2. Fundamentals of Neural Networks. Megaupload
  3. FPGA Implementation of Neural Networks. Megaupload
  4. Neural Network Design, Hagan. Megaupload
  5. Neural Network Modelling. Megaupload


  1. Linear Algebra And Its Applications (En Us) Strang. Megaupload
  2. Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers. Megaupload
  3. Finite Element Method using MATLAB. Megaupload
  4. A guide to Matlab for Beginners and Experts. Megaupload
  5. Handbook of Exact Solutions for ODEs. Megaupload

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Mood Foods: 6 Snacks to Kick Your Mind Into Gear

Mood food

Your Mood: Anxious

You need to stay sharp through a grueling job interview.

Your Meal: Half a grilled-chicken wrap at lunch, hold the mayo

Here's Why: Eating between 4 and 5 ounces of protein helps your brain create dopamine and norepinephrine, neurochemicals that keep you alert, says Judith Wurtman, Ph.D., author of The Serotonin Power Diet.

Your Mood: Stressed

You have to meet a deadline without being overwhelmed.

Your Meal: A handful of sesame seeds while you're working

Here's Why: Stress hormones can deplete your body's supply of magnesium, reducing your stress-coping abilities and increasing your risk of developing high blood pressure, says Elizabeth Somer, R.D., author of Food & Mood.

Your Mood: Restless

You need some serious shut-eye before the big day.

Your Meal: Nonfat popcorn half an hour before you go to bed

Here's Why: The carbs will induce your body to create serotonin, a neurochemical that makes you feel relaxed. "Make sure it's fat-free, because fat will slow the process of boosting serotonin levels," says Somer.

Your Mood: Depressed

Problems at home are doing you in.

Your Meal: Grilled salmon or sushi for dinner

Here's Why: A study in Finland found that people who eat more fish are 31 percent less likely to suffer from depression. And skip sweet, simple carbs­ — the inevitable sugar crash can actually deepen depression.

Your Mood: Insecure

Your confidence is waning as the night wears on.

Your Meal: A snack-size chocolate bar

Here's Why: Chocolate contains a host of chemicals to brighten your mood, Somer says, including anadamine, which targets the same receptors as THC, and phenylethylamine, which produces a cozy, euphoric feeling.

Your Mood: Flummoxed

You've forgotten your last two deadlines.

Your Meal: Pineapple chunks for a snack or a cup of berries in your oatmeal

Here's Why: Antioxidants from the most-colorful fruits and vegetables help pick off the free radicals that wear away at your memory. "Because your brain consumes so much oxygen, oxidants do heavy damage there," says Somer.

Foods that Cure

Minor tweaks in your diet can help fend off everything from splitting headaches to heart attacks. Three dietary tweaks from Joy Bauer, R.D., author of Joy Bauer's Food Cures:

Migraine Headaches
Migraines have many food causes. Keep a meal log for a month to see which triggers affect your head.

Eat This: Foods rich in healthy fats, such as olive oil, avocado, and salmon, help reduce inflammation, a catalyst for migraines. Riboflavin, found in lean beef and grains, helps cells maintain energy reserves, which can prevent the onset of migraines.

Not That: Nitrites, found in deli meats, bacon, and hot dogs; aspartame, the artificial sweetener found in diet soft drinks; caffeine

Irritable-Bowel Syndrome
One in five Americans is affected by IBS. A careful diet is the best cure.

Eat This: Soft foods and foods rich in soluble fiber, such as oatmeal, barley, bananas, and sweet potatoes

Not That: When symptoms are strong, limit vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, which are hard for the body to break down. Other common triggers: dairy products, spicy foods, alcohol, and caffeine

Cardiovascular Disease
A diet of heart-healthy fats may help prevent you from being one of the 1.5 million Americans who have heart attacks each year.

Eat This: Foods that boost good cholesterol (HDL), like canned tuna, mackerel, olive oil, avocado, and most nuts

Not That: Trans fat-laden foods, such as margarine; refined carbohydrates, which spike blood-thickening triglycerides; sugary soft drinks, juice, and white bread

Source: http://www.active.com/mindandbody/articles/Mood_Foods__6_Snacks_to_Kick_Your_Mind_Into_Gear.htm